⚡creative director ⚡
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Real Time with Bill Maher


The ask: HBO wanted to promote the new season of Real Time with Bill Maher -- on Snapchat -- on Inauguration Day 2017.

How it worked: Finding strong moments in Bill's previous season that may appeal to the Snapchat audience, we added platform-familiar elements to make the content feel as native as possible.

Users who had activated their location on near the event contributed their own snaps to the event's live story. The end result was a story told from a community perspective with different point of views, in this case pro/against Trump with our disruptive ads sequentially and strategically appearing in between. 

The content ads were viewable on Snapchat's 2017 Presidential Inauguration Day live story on Friday, January 20th. They were also the only ads running on the story as HBO had an exclusive advertiser sponsorship.  

Agency: TVGla

Role: Senior Copywriter

Delivered on: Concepts, copy and creative direction
